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in reply to Ambivalena :verigold:

@ambivalena Oh, thank you for your kind words. That means a lot to me. I don't know what's going on at the moment. I'm taking a lot of time for it at the moment and of course having fun with the filters I've bought.

Maybe it's also a bit of escapism into photography itself. Getting a little feelbetter content in my head while all the darkness around me continues. 🫂💚

in reply to Markus

Your very welcome 🤗

I hope you don't think to much of why, it seems to be working really good so far.


I recognize that, using photography to feel better, that was how I started out, and still use it in many ways. I think that is a great way to develope so please continue to do what you do (and don't care what others think).

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