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in reply to Anne Applebaum

Whether or not you've seen the Rachel Maddow fear mongering segment on the possible election certification shenanigans in November, if you're feeling worried, watch this and hopefully you'll feel better.
in reply to Jcrabapple πŸ’™

I understand the volatile emotional state of many, specially the ones trapped in American media. Denying an election result is nothing new.. In fact it just happened for the second time in Venezuela (My birth country). Now people need to know and understand the differences. Inn places like Venezuela governmental independence have been diminish and erode to a point that only 5 people decides the destiny of a country in and out of an election. /1
in reply to Jcrabapple πŸ’™


That would agree with what Marc Elias said. He that election officials who try to refuse to certify will be taken to court and they will lose.


in reply to Anne Applebaum

While #Harris and #Trump are vastly different levels of insidiousness, it's crucial to point out that the election was already stolen! Voters did not choose or elect these ridiculously bad candidates; The oligarchs installed them ! Sure, take one day and vote the lesser pile of shit, but more importantly, Wake the F Up ! #Dems vs #Reps is a grim theater that will merely rearrange the deck chairs on the USS Krapitalist Titanic ! Plus, both are #genocide enablers ! #USelections
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