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Items tagged with: Trump

A vote for Trump is a vote for Thiel of Palantir as a shadow president of USA. Thiel / Palantir created #lavender AI which is currently deployed in Israel and used by IDF for the task of targeting and executing Palestinians and Lebanese, without human oversight. Peter Thiel is singlehandedly the main culprit why the death and infrastructure toll is so high.

#lavender #ai #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #election #trump #palantir

"Once again, the corporate media took Donald’s bait and ran with it. They found a way to spin the story to look great for Trump, propping up his campaign like they always do. And it’s an outrage."

Plays 'em like a fiddle. Every. Single. Time. Because they WANT to be played. Letting someone strum their strings rather than going out and doing the hard work of gathering information and telling the truth is just too hard.

#Trump #media #MediaFail #McDonalds

"Yesterday, Trump staged one of the most insulting PR stunts in the history of modern politics, and the corporate media covered it like it was a brilliant, game-changing maneuver. Visiting a McDonald’s in Pennsylvania, Donald spewed lies about Kamala Harris, and briefly pretended to work the fryer. Then he held a deranged 'press conference,' and another hate rally."

~ Scott Dworkin

#Trump #media #MediaFail #McDonalds

"There’s no reason to be confident about how any mainstream media would react to coercion from Trump.

The New York Times seems to be on an island of neutrality now, often putting a soft focus on Trump’s authoritarianism with obtuse headlines and ridiculous euphemisms. If dictatorship descended, would the Times describe detention camps as 'involuntary gatherings'”?

~ Mark Jacob

#Trump #media #MediaFail #authoritarianism #NewYorkTimes

"If you read coverage from outlets like ABC News or Politico, you’d walk away thinking Trump was flipping burgers in a bustling McDonald’s, interacting with everyday customers. Neither mentioned that the location was closed or that the 'customers' were part of a pre-arranged setup."

They know better. They just do not intend to do better. He plays them like a fiddle, and they willingly ask him, "What string do you want to pluck today, maestro?"

#Trump #media #MediaFail #McDonalds

Parker Molloy cleverly calls her take-down of the disgraceful coverage of Trump's McDonald's stunt, "'You Want Lies With That?'" News Media Struggle to Cover Trump's Potemkin McDonald's Photo Op."

Then she adds,

"Journalists need to stop reacting to political stunts like babies with keys jingling in front of their faces."

#Trump #media #MediaFail #McDonalds

"What has only become obvious over the past decade (to those of us who haven’t professionally studied fascism in Europe in the 1930s) is that the buffoonery and the fascism go hand in hand. They are inseparable. The buffoonery doesn’t make the fascism less dangerous, and the fascism doesn’t make the buffoonery less ridiculous."

~ David Kurtz

#Trump #media #MediaFail #McDonalds #fascism

#KamalaHarris referenced ret Gen #MarkMilley, Trump’s chair of the Joint Chiefs, who described him as “#fascist to the core.”

#Harris says #Trump “has been manipulated & is so clearly able to be manipulated by favor & flattery including by dictators & autocrats.”

She says if he wins the White House, #Ukraine will fall to #Russia & that will have terrible consequences globally.

#NationalSecurity #USpol #HarrisWalz2024

#LizCheney says she’s actively supporting #KamalaHarris because she believes #Trump is dangerous, especially because he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election & still refuses to admit he lost.

#Harris says voters should take Trump’s rhetoric seriously, rather than writing it off as a “sick sense of humor.”

“Some people find it humorous, what he says…But understand just how serious it is.”

#NationalSecurity #USpol #HarrisWalz2024

#LizCheney message to GOP voters who don’t want to see #Trump in the White House but are scared to go against their party & vote for Harris due to the increase of acts of #PoliticalViolence specifically committed by Trump supporters.

#Cheney said Americans can “vote your conscience & not ever have to say a word to anybody.”

Cheney said she thinks “millions” of #Republicans will be quietly casting a vote for the #Democrat nominee #KamalaHarris.


Btw, #Trump is not really involved with this "project" but rather an "ambassador" so when shit hits the fan he can distance himself

One of the piles of garbage behind this scam is "Chase Herro" and you can see the exact business plan in the following part of the video:

#Trump #crypto coin is really bad

Who’da thunk it?

“#Trump's Social Security plan would hasten insolvency, lead to bigger benefits cuts, analysis finds”


Via Aaron Rupar:

Q: My advice to #JDVance is?

#WALZ: Just go in and order the chocolate donut and don't add anything else

Q: My first thought about Arnold Palmer is?

WALZ: I'm passing on that one

Q: One nice thing about Donald #Trump is?

WALZ: He will not be president again

Via Ron Filipkowski:

#Trump has basically run this entire election using 3 answers to every question:

1. Any question on the budget, taxes or economy: A - Tariffs.

2. Any question about a crisis or foreign policy: A - Never would have happened if I was president.

3. All other questions: Migrants!


Via @msignorile:

Wash Post reports PAC paying #Trump’s legal expenses owes more than it has on hand. 😆


Via Ammar Moussa:

Oh yikes.


#Trump is BOOED at the Steelers-Jets game in Pittsburgh.


Via @emptywheel:

There has been a lot of hand-wringing that DOJ has not yet taken overt action in the face of Elon's seeming vote-buying. (They've issued the kinds of warning that make it clear they're watching.)

But this list is a good testament that USG is not afraid to go after #Musk.

Eric Lipton:
Oct 20
Musk is simult in fights w FAA, DOJ, FCC, FTC, Interior, EEOC, NLRB, EPA, etc. Now Musk has nudged #Trump to put him in charge of an effort to curb govt rules. …

#Trump flubbed anchor Sage Steele's name at a town hall event, calling her "Paige."

"Thank you very much. Thank you. Let's have a little fun, Paige. OK?" Trump told Steele, who stood next to him onstage at Sunday's event in Lancaster, #Pennsylvania. Steele moderated the town hall.

#Harris campaign quickly posted footage of the incident on Twitter, where it had received more than 800,000 views by Monday a.m.”

Via @emptywheel :

I can't stop thinking about the fact that legacy media thinks #Trump's McDonald's stunt is bigger news than Milley's comment about fascism.

Pro-Trump dark money network tied to Elon Musk behind fake pro-Harris campaign scheme

Progress 2028 presents a fake liberal manifesto and is run by pro-Trump dark money network and Building America’s Future, which is largely funded by Musk

The Progress 2028 site appears to be created by IMGE LLC, run by Phil Cox who is behind Building America’s Future and runs Elon Musk’s America PAC with Generra Peck

#Trump #ElonMusk #Progress2028 #BuildingAmericasFuture


#USpol #Wahlen2024

#Trump versucht verzweifelt durch immer unsinnigere und unfundierte Narrative von seinen zunehmenden geistigen Aussetzern und seinen schlecht verlaufenden Gerichtsverfahren abzulenken.

Wenn interessiert ein Ferienjob der #US-Vizepräsidentin und #Präsidentschaftskandidatin #Harris im letzten Jahrtausend!?!

US-Wahl: Trump macht mit McDonald's-Auftritt Stimmung gegen Harris

Gepostet in USA @usa-ZEITONLINE


#Harris tells MSNBC "the American people deserve so much better" when asked about #Trump calling her a 'shit Vice President.'

"What you see in my opponent … really is— it demeans the office and I have said — and I am very clear about this — Donald Trump should never again stand behind the seal of the President of the United States."

Philly Inquirer editorial board: #Trump’s an even bigger threat to the rule of law now

"There is a reason more than 100 Republican officials, including some who worked for Trump, have endorsed Vice President Kamala #Harris for president."

Trump Media Whistleblower Blasts Company for Outsourcing Jobs Abroad as Betrayal of “America First”

An internal #TruthSocial complaint reviewed by ProPublica calls for the firing of CEO Devin Nunes, alleging he has pursued an “America Last” hiring policy, “consistently lied” and made the company vulnerable to action by regulators.

#Trump #DonaldTrump #Business #election2024 #DevinNunes


🍄“#Trump calls #Harris a ‘s--- vice president’ and mentions Arnold Palmer’s genitals in bizarre rally

Harris on Saturday ripped Trump for meandering in his public remarks, saying that the former president "generally for the life of him cannot finish a thought."

I’ve seen dozens of stories pointing out that Trump’s tariffs would raise the price of imported goods but few that mention how countervailing duties would also make our exports uncompetitive.

Some companies might move their factories here but industries that export would be fucked. Is this too hard to explain?
#Election2024 #trump #media #tariffs #evonomy

"Thanks to him, rapists in 13 states have more rights to control a woman’s body than women do.

How often do you hear that? ...

As much as this election is about the future of democracy and whether we have future elections that count, this election is about Roe and Dobbs and the future of abortion rights. And these issues, where the literal control of one’s body meets ideology, remain inexorably entwined."

~ Jason Sattler

#Trump #abortion #women #RoevWade

What are the odds that signing up to this theater and getting paid will eat up the motivation some Trump voters would have used to actually go and vote (while not getting paid, again)?
They are selfish, statistically, why would they honor some kind of “deal”?

#uspol #Musk #Trump

I can't. I just can't with this idiot.

Via Rupar:

OMFG -- "When he took showers with the other pros, they came out of there, they said 'oh my god. That's unbelievable" -- #Trump says that when other golfers showered with Arnold Palmer they would marvel at how big his dick is

ADDED: Video via Rupar:

Via Meidas Touch:

AP is out with a damning article about #Trump’s declining mental health.

Trump called his supporters "fat pigs" yesterday.

I can confidently say that #Trump has gotten as many new votes for President in the past 3 months as I have (0). But, Harris is picking up many new votes.

What an idiot.

#USPol #USPolitics #TrumpIsNotWell

Gotta love the story that the problem is #Trump is too old to be an effective fascist.

We're 5 seconds from a headline that reads "Genocide Takes More Energy Than Donald Trump Has."

Via Nick Field:

Politico's report about #Trump's "exhaustion" on the campaign trail led the ABC, CBS and NBC nightly newscasts.

[last night]

BBC reports that in response to calls to lock #Trump up, #Harris said the courts would take care of that, not only toeing the line to prejudice, but more strikingly... it's as if this is yet another case where she doesn't know what the different branches of government actually do, she doesn't know locking people up is an executive branch function?

As she's applying to be the head of the executive branch?

But no, that level of ignorance does seem to be pretty consistent with what she has shown for years now.

The Democratic Party did not have to such an incompetent candidate. And I'm going to say it over and over because it's so depressing, the party really let us down.

Nothing will change if we don't hold the party accountable.


Corporate media finally posting story that #Maddow broke 2 days ago.

“Donald #Trump was convicted in May of covering up a hush-money deal with the porn star #StormyDaniels. Just two months later, his lawyer offered another deal for her silence.”

Props to MSNBC for actually covering #Trump's decline.

Nobody wants JD Vance to be president and Trump is not looking like he will make it through a 4 year term.

"The billionaires who contribute to Donald Trump’s campaign tend to be highly motivated ideologues and individual operators. “It’s transactional,” a Princeton historian said. “They see Trump as their instrument.”

Yeah, so what else is new.

New Yorker with paywall so no point in providing a link.

#Politics #USPol #Trump