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Are you experiencing a heat wave in your area?

Here is an gift link to a good article about how to stay cool during a heat wave including tips if you don't have air conditioning.

It also has the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion/stroke in adults, seniors, and children.

#Ontario #Quebec

#HeatWave #ClimateCrisis #Health

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Snowshadow

The opposite here. Temperatures below 5deg Celsius are unusual in Melbourne, so 3.9 was a bit chilly this morning. Awful for people sleeping rough.
in reply to Susan60

You are in the winter season but that is very chilly!! Terrible for the homeless. We saw a a few homeless die last winter. I don't understand why the damned governments don't do something!!!!
in reply to Snowshadow

We managed to house the homeless during the first 2 years of the pandemic. Political will.
in reply to Susan60

"Political will"
Exactly!. Finland solved the problem and it costs taxpayers 1/3 less for the supports, so we have no excuse!
in reply to Snowshadow

Have you seen the Michael Moore doco Where to Invade Next? Stupid title, but he looks at European countries with much better ways of providing certain services, working conditions etc. So much better than UK, USA, Canada, Australia etc.
in reply to Susan60

No I haven't seen it. Sounds interesting. I will check for it, thanks.😀
in reply to Snowshadow

Definitely worth a look. The countries involved have a more socialist approach. They’re still functioning as capitalist economies, but governments & business assume much higher levels of responsibility for the health & welfare of their citizens & employees, & much less of a survival if the fittest approach.
in reply to Susan60

Sounds great. I will be sure to find it.
Canada is supposed to be a "social democracy" but.....🙄
in reply to Snowshadow

I think Australia & Canada are more similar to each other than the US, which is good, but not good enough.
in reply to Susan60

Oh positively a good!! But we are beginning to fight the same fight as the US with our conservatives....Maple MAGAs.
in reply to Snowshadow

Our last conservative government was roundly chased out of power, but are already gaining territory. They were so utterly incompetent, but admittedly not as bad as the British Tories, & are now suggesting we push are climate goals back 20 years & use unproven tech like modular nuclear reactors instead of renewables. This is in Australia, with so much sunshine, wind & space to harness those resources. And some people are buying it.