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Items tagged with: heatwave

#ClimateDiary Watching this made me think yet again about #ClimateJustice or rather, the profound iINJUSTICE of climate change: how the poorest - Rikshah drivers, street hawkers, labourers - suffer the most, without any accees to #AirCon, outside all day, yet contribute nothing to #ClimateChange. The impacts are so hnequal, so unfair, in micro as well as macro ways, it makes you want to screem. #Heatwave #Asia #India #Odisha

#ClimateDiary These are the kinds of calculations the poorest have to make in the #Heatwave

"If we are going to take a bath in the creek, we have to go far away from the camp," she said.

"It's not a walkable distance under this temperature. If we go by motorcycle, it's not worth it because of the cost of fuel. If we save money for fuel, we may as well use it to buy water."


AP: Philippine students are told to stay home as Southeast Asia copes with a sweltering heat wave #heatwave #climate #climatedisaster #climateemergency