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Broadly speaking, the role of an establishment economist is to come up with new ways of saying, "actually, your boss is right." In other words, the world we're living in is the best possible world, and the fact that you got contact burns from collapsing on the scorching sidewalk outside of the grocery store where you couldn't afford your weekly shopping is unfortunate, but unavoidable.


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@CptSuperlative it's pretty clear that they were right about being able to get away with lying about CEO vs worker compensation. Anything that they may have been actually "wrong about" is marginal by comparison
in reply to sleepfreeparent

@sleepfreeparent @CptSuperlative
If #KochNetwork can provide funding that so thoroughly corrupted the study of economics, that it became a shield for status-quo apologetics for the Leisure Class, what else has that funding corrupted?

So far that money has thoroughly corrupted:
mainstream media, climate science, elections, the judiciary, policing, taxation, national defense, civil rights, warfare in Afghanistan, Israel, & Ukraine, and national defense against domestic terrorism.

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in reply to Cory Doctorow

Micheal Hudson is a remarkable economist. His chief contribution, the study of debt and money since earliest human civilization. The basic math regarding usury vs real production is the former grows exponentially without limit, everything else plateaus.

The financialization is the banking sector doing to the domestic economy what the U.S./IMF has done to the world; a giant Ponzi scheme, neoliberalism helped legitimize. Deep history is rhyming with a climate+debt collapse


in reply to Cory Doctorow

^^ Must read (QLPTTTR — Quite Long, Please Take Time To Read) text by @pluralistic

“We should end preferential tax treatment of capital gains, the money you get from owning something, which is taxed at a fraction of wages, the money you get from *doing* something.”

in reply to Cory Doctorow

I enjoy your posts immensely and am in awe of your writing abilities and thought processes. But I wanted you to know that I enjoy your artwork and photoshopping skills almost as much! Thanks for sharing both!
in reply to Cory Doctorow

this is fantastic! I'm so glad you shared this. thanks again!
in reply to Cory Doctorow

Establishment Economists explaining the Central Bank setting interest rates at 20%, causing massive unemployment, collapse in the housing market, widespread small business failures, and suicides among small business owners and unemployed;

"Well last months M1 and M2 Money Supply numbers combined with high employment were at levels economists and Central Bankers consider potentially inflationary so they had to do it."

#USPolitics #cdnpoli #ukpolitics #capitalism #economics

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in reply to Cory Doctorow

I guess "broadly" allows a lot of wiggle room but there are a lot of establishment econs doing good stuff eg

Aaron Sojourner