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The arrest of #Telegram's founder Pavel #Durov sets a dangerous precedent for what kind of action can be taken against supporters of #privacy & #cryptography.

Don't settle for anything less than E2E #encryption! We've created a list of the top encrypted messaging apps to help!

in reply to Tuta

though putting Telegram in the same basket as any other (real) e2e encrypted application is a mistake.
FTR, default chats aren't encrypted at all in Telegram, ppl have to take extra steps to get actual encryption. We really can't talk about "encryption" in that case.

Still - valid point, this is again "them" trying to undermine communication secrecy "for the good of children" and other consideration, accusing the tool, not the ppl.

in reply to Cédric Jeanneret :blobwave:

@Daemon We agree that Telegram is not a secure messaging app due to its lack of end-to-end encryption. We apologize if this post was unclear.
in reply to Tuta

This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@FediThing If all goes “well”, that won’t stop EU from using it as a stepping stone to push Chat Control, IMO. Bureaucrats play la la la can’t hear you game very well.


in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

Keep up! Durov's arrest was NOT POLITICALLY MOTIVATED, nor (as everybody else pointed out) does Telegram *claim* to do to e2ee by default unlike Signal and Threema.

If you're gonna fight fascism and general snoopiness, fight ALL OF IT, or people (including me!) will vote with our feet and our wallets. Durov had it coming, as do his ruble-paying bosses.

in reply to Stone Bear :HeartGenderqueer:

@stonebear We are not defending the founder of Telegram, it is far too early to make an statements in that regard because we do not know the full extent of the charges.

Telegram is not considered a secure messaging app because it does not guarantee end-to-end encryption by default.

We apologize if this message was less than clear in the post.

in reply to Tuta

This is certainly a take. I expected better of you, Tuta.
in reply to Tuta

I am a bit surprised that you name Google messages and iMessage as one of the best alternatives to WhatsApp. They are end to end encrypted, but I would not not assume that Google or Apple are even remotely better than Facebook.
in reply to Tuta

telegram isn't private or secure, and a significant number of users are racists and homophobic
in reply to Tuta

You're on the wrong side of this one...

It's not a privacy/cryptography issue, especially since Telegram isn't really E2E encrypted.

in reply to Tuta

To be clear, Telegram is an active vector of russia’s genocidal war against 🇺🇦, and its disinformation operations against the West.

Durov is a Kremlin asset whose platform, the West cannot afford to give free rein to when matters of national security for France, Ukraine and NATO allies are at stake.

As Goebbels famously said, “It will always remain one of the best jokes of democracy that it provided its mortal enemies with the means through which it was annihilated.”

This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to Tuta

Hi! Your comment re @signalapp is no longer true. No need to use a telephone number. Pseudo is enough. Please update your article :

— However, to use Signal one must provide a valid mobile phone number to the messaging service, which prevents anyone from using Signal with complete anonymity.
Cons Others can see that your are using Signal (if phone number is known)

in reply to Tuta

is He really a supporter of privacy ? If he you would be real supporter I think he would make secret chat as default ^^
in reply to Mari 🏳️‍🌈

@mari We do agree that lack of default end-to-end encryption in Telegram is a major privacy and security failure.
in reply to Tuta

and none for anything except 1-1 chats.
in reply to Tuta

Telegram is not really supporter of privacy..E2EE is optional in DM's, no E2EE in group chats, colleting metadata, almost the same as whatsapp...if you treat them as private I'm concerned about using Tuta.🫠
in reply to nictakiego

@nictakiego Telegram should not considered a secure messaging app because it does not guarantee end-to-end encryption by default.

We apologize if this message was less than clear in the above post.

in reply to Tuta

It's okay, but you spread some false informations, not just confusing informations. Another things: signal is not anonymous, thats even the reason why session exists, telegram is not open source (most people use it on mobile, not on desktop). This is cool you try to popularize privacy messengers, but I think you should do more research for this article.
in reply to nictakiego

@nictakiego Thanks for your feedback. We will review the article and get it updated to avoid inaccuracies.
in reply to Tuta

folks, take a bit longer the next time you want to pitch in or comment about these issues, your take and attached blog post are flawed. Don't make me reconsider my revolutionary subscription with other takes like this one.
in reply to Alex

@alexaralvarado We are not defending the founder of Telegram because we do not know the full extent of the charges. The illegal content distributed through those channels is abhorrent and should be prosecuted.

What we are saying is that the inclusion of charges directly related to cryptography are concerning for companies building such tools.

We apologize if this message was less than clear in the post.

in reply to Tuta

SimpleX is currently the most anonymous and secure chat, above Session, as Session keeps some metadata from what I read on the internet.
SimpleX relies on a network of relays (SMP servers): these ones can be joined directly or you can connect to their onion equivalent through Tor. This will give you an overlay to hide your IP. It uses Orbot on android for that.
And you can install your own SMP server(s) if you want if you don't trust the native ones, connected of course to Tor.