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TestFlight users on will gain early access to our upcoming Live streaming feature!

We're in the process of rolling out Push Notifications, so make sure you have them enabled ✨

#pixelfed #live

pixelfed reshared this.

in reply to pixelfed

Are spots in the TestFlight? I lost access for some reason.
in reply to Daniel Rose

Yes, you can re-join using the link on
This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to pixelfed

Bet. Back in the loop! Speaking of loop…

Is there a Loops and Sup test flight yet? 🤞

in reply to pixelfed

qualcuno mi conferma che la beta android è ferma alla versione 1.0.0 (41003) ?
in reply to pixelfed

oh snap, let me go get one of those mini hot tubs and get ahead of trends 😁
in reply to pixelfed

Is it to much to ask WHEN these things will be available?
in reply to Mr. Funk E. Dude

@Mrfunkedude Push Notifications are being tested on this week

The Live beta will be rolling out later this week or this weekend.

in reply to pixelfed

whoah! Awesome! What tech is powering the streaming? Is it also OSS or in the Fediverse? (been trying to figure this out myself, FWIW)
in reply to Nathan Hubbard

@n8foo WebRTC and it will be both OSS and federated (with some limitations ofc)!