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Via Aaron Rupar:

It's fun to think about #Trump dropping #Vance, but I can't imagine it happens. Admitting an error like that is just not something Trump does. And it would look extra bad since Trump needed a new running mate in the first place bc he tried to have the old one killed. He's stuck.

in reply to Laffy

Vance will be forced out. The stealth campaign has begun.

Where did the couch story come from? Not the Harris campaign.

Bet it came from deep inside the Trump campaign, where those who vetted Vance know his vulnerabilities and specialize in attack politics.

If these early attacks don't do the trick, stand by as a stealth attack on his wife is launched.

That will do it. Vance will abandon this race and, effectively, his political career to save her.

#JDVance #Trump #Harris

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