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in reply to Abandoned America

I love that you have documented so many of these places. Thank you.
in reply to Riaz Ur Rahaman

@riazrahaman I do write about that on my website but for this specific spot here's a podcast I did as an overview on church closures in general
in reply to Riaz Ur Rahaman

@riazrahaman In my opinion it is a shifting population resulting from a lost industrial base. In addition people are wising up about the hypocrisy of organized religion especially in the face of church scandals.
in reply to Chris P

@rcpmac @riazrahaman did a whole podcast about it if you're interested. You hit on a few things but the stats are pretty surprising
in reply to tamaramilessc

@LitTam I have a feeling the lack of climate control would make it a tad uncomfortable and you might fall through the stairs but otherwise it'd be great
in reply to tamaramilessc

@LitTam the stairs in the back of this place that we used to get in were frankly terrifying. Wouldn't be surprised if that whole section of the building is gone now
in reply to Abandoned America

I wish I could walk around and see inside. I love old buildings.
in reply to Abandoned America

Great pictures, as usual. Buffalo NY is dotted with abandoned old churches like that and the pastor’s comments in your post really has me thinking about impermanence right now.
in reply to Buffalo Rude

@BuffaloRude thank you! It was a wild conversation. Did not play out the way I thought it would
in reply to Abandoned America

Add a splash of purple on the inside and you’ve got the new Saints Row hideout
in reply to EVHaste

@Haste do you like that game? Most of what I've heard is people dunking on it but I'm still curious