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Day 10: #BooksThatInfluencedYou
I've been trying to think of which science fiction book to post because the genre certainly influenced me even more than did fantasy, but it's hard to decide which one.

This was one of my favorite "hard science" fiction books I think if I can recall correctly. Darn can't find that collection of stories on living in space that I read a few times now.

Anyways, the series by Kim Stanley Robinson on Mars was awesome and influential not to mention Ministry of Earth.

in reply to Kevin Leecaster

One of my favorites is the Martian Chronicles, a series of short stories, sometimes moving, often intriguing, centered on the colonization of Mars written way back when by Ray Bradbury.
in reply to Huntn00


Great choice.
#RayBradbury is also my choice for yesterday, though I haven't managed to post it yet.

It would be nice if you were to add the threads hashtag, #BooksThatInfluencedYou, as well as an #AltText, so people can find it and everyone enjoy with us.


in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

@HistoPol I’ll expose myself, what does AltText mean? Do you mean a link? 😳
in reply to Huntn00

@Huntn00 @HistoPol
Alt-text is the description of images that you share. It is added by editing the image before you post or you can go back in and add it if you forget.