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Items tagged with: AltText

😅 this is too good to not have #AltText

#Exvangelical #Meme #AntifaAF

"One of the biggest power moves I have here in
the midwest when someone is being racist, sexist,
homophobic is that I tell them that l'll pray for them sc
that god can grace them with empathy, or that "I feel
sorry the devil has made his home in your heart" cause
you have not felt joy until you've flipped the script on a
suburban house mom or an old racist white man. The
joy of watching their face in shock and confusion while
they're called out in Christian Standards the same way
they try to cover for their homophobia is amazing
100% suggest it, at the very least it gets them to shut
the fuck up."

In solidarity with the blind and vision-impaired community, I propose that twice a year, on the World Sight Day and the Global Accessibility Awareness Day, fediverse admins disable images on their servers to highlight the importance of writing good image descriptions.

Who's in?

#accessibility #a11y #AltText #ImageDescription #WorldSightDay #FediverseWorldSightDay #GlobalAccessibilityAwarenessDay #BeAnAlly

My ground phlox (possibly Phlox subulata/moss phlox) has achieved blanket status.

I'm a sucker for mass blooms. A friend of mine has large swaths of this phlox & was kind enough to borrow me a cup 2 yrs ago. A cup that was 1.5' x 2' chunk that I then plopped down in a 1.5' x 2' space.

Easy peasy phlox carpet squee-sy.

#garden #gardening #BloomScrolling #flowers #FlowerPhotography #FlowerMastodon #nature #NaturePhotography #macro #MacroPhotography #MastoArt #photography #AltText

#MiddleEastWar #Israel #Iran #US #UK


What is the source, please?


"Out of about 170 #drones launched by #Iran - not a single one of them penetrated the State of #Israel, as air force warplanes and our and our allies' air defense systems intercepted dozens of them.
Of the more than 30 cruise missiles launched by Iran - none of the missiles
penetrated Israeli territory. Our #warplanes intercepted 25 missiles outside
the country's borders
Out of more...

@mistersixt #Alttext: Portrait von Kubicki, Anzug, weisses Hemd, weisse Krawatte, vermutlich aus irgendeiner Online-„Zeitung“, darauf der Text:
Rot unterlegt: Gastbeitrag von Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP)
Gross, weiss: Darum gehe ich zu Gerhard Schröders Geburtstagsfeier




...werden die
Schutthalden der Moderne

Damit verband er die Frage:

'Ist das aus 'Mein Kampf' oder von Herrn Höcke?'

zdf hote_ #BjornHöcke bricht.."

[Anmerkung: KEINER der doch etlichen #NoAfD-Parteifreunde konnten die Frage beantworten, gaben an beide Bücher nicht gelesen zu haben.]




Seite aus dem #Tagesspiegel:


Es begann gleich konfrontativ. Redakteur #DavidGebhard hatte
Parteifreunde #Höckes mit einem Zitat konfrontiert:

"Ein paar Korrekturen und Reförmchen werden nicht ausreichen, aber die
deutsche Unbedingtheit wird der Garant dafür sein, dass wir die Sache gründlich und grundsätzlich anpacken werden. 👉Wenn einmal die
Wendezeit gekommen ist, dann machen wir #Deutschen keine halben
Sachen, dann..



"Man is the most insane species.
He worships an invisible God
and destroys a visible Nature.
Unaware that this Nature he's
destroying is this God
he's worshiping.


#AltText An old looking comb-bound manual with a 1950s line illustration of a worker looking concerned with folded arms. The manual is titled "If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it then how bad can it be?"

#AltText Links das Logo von “Rügenwalder”, eine Mühle mit Flügeln aus Würsten.
Rechts daneben der Text “Gendern ist wie Wurst ohne Fleisch: Fortschritt.”