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in reply to Laffy

#KamalaHarris #Elections2025 #

S/:The GPQ Rep. #ClaudiaTenney obviously works in the wrong chamber of Congress. Otherwise, she'd know better./s

Being an attorney, she should know much better.

She either is incapable of doing the research necessary for the job, or she's feigning ignorance.

Notwithstanding, she's doing a really bad Rep. job, maybe for political-only reasons, but then she's lying to the American people.

Via Aaron Rupar:

Moments after describing Kamala Harris as a DEI hire, GOP Rep. Claudia Tenney adds that she's "uninformed and lazy"

And here's vid:

This entry was edited (19 hours ago)
in reply to Laffy

Thanks, sorry, OFC
I typed, and the German autocorrect converted it to "Kamera," which I changed to Kamela...Was too quick. 🙈
in reply to Laffy

The name of Kamala Harris' senate staff softball team was the Oxford Kamalas and that is so nerdy it's cool.
in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

I reckon I just saw that info in a tweet, but there was also a picture of the team with her and Doug too, but idk for sure.
in reply to Laffy

Ha! I worked briefly with her incompetent brother about 40 years ago. She was our US Representative back when, but she changed districts to one even more MAGA friendly north of here last election. I've said for years she was the stupidest person in Congress, and only the arrival of Lauren Boebert and Empty Greene has forced me to rethink this a bit. The competition is fierce.