Trump admin. fires #USDA staff working on #birdflu, immediately backpedals
Termination letters went to employees at USDA, leading federal response to outbreak plaguing #US dairy farms and poultry operations, affecting over 160 million birds and sending egg prices soaring. As #H5N1 continues to spread, infectious disease experts fear it could evolve to spread among humans and cause more severe disease. So far, CDC has documented 68 cases in humans, one of which was fatal.…
Termination letters went to employees at USDA, leading federal response to outbreak plaguing #US dairy farms and poultry operations, affecting over 160 million birds and sending egg prices soaring. As #H5N1 continues to spread, infectious disease experts fear it could evolve to spread among humans and cause more severe disease. So far, CDC has documented 68 cases in humans, one of which was fatal.…
Trump admin. fires USDA staff working on bird flu, immediately backpedals
On top of its pandemic potential, H5N1 is harming agriculture, raising egg prices.Beth Mole (Ars Technica)
HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴
in reply to Benjamin Carr, Ph.D. 👨🏻💻🧬 • • •#Health #USpol #Pandemic #BirdFlue
Via Dr. @BenjaminHCCarr
"Trump-Administration entlässt Mitarbeiter im #US-Landwirtschaftsministerium (#USDA), die an #Vogelgrippe arbeiten, und macht sofort einen Rückzieher
Die #Entlassungsschreiben gingen an Mitarbeiter des #USDA, die auf Bundesebene auf den 👉Ausbruch der #Vogelgrippe in US-Milchviehbetrieben👈 und Geflügelbetrieben reagierten, von der über 160 Millionen Vögel...…
Trump admin. fires USDA staff working on bird flu, immediately backpedals
Beth Mole (Ars Technica)HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴 reshared this.
HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴
in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴 • • •#Health #USpol #Pandemic #BirdFlue
...betroffen waren und die Eierpreise in die Höhe trieb. Da sich #H5N1 ["#Vogelgrippe] weiter ausbreitet, befürchten Experten für Infektionskrankheiten, dass es sich auch auf den Menschen ausbreiten und schwerere Krankheiten verursachen könnte. 👉Bislang hat das [amerikanische "Robert Koch Institut, dass #CenterForDiseaseControl, ] #CDC 68 Fälle bei Menschen dokumentiert, von denen einer tödlich verlief👈."