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#KingDonald #TrumpShot

I'm seeing a lot of people saying that this will get Trump elected.

I'm not sure that is the case. I think Trump will be the next president even if he loses, but I don't think this guarantees a win.

Anyone who was comfortable with voting for him was already going to vote for him. I can't imagine this will change too many votes.

Consider the assassination of Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin.


This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Tofu Golem

The assassin got exactly what he wanted.

The peace accords failed, and Rabin's political party lost the next elections. The Israeli public responded by rewarding the political party associated with the assassination.

Assassinations do not automatically confer sympathy.


in reply to Tofu Golem

I had a polisci professor who put it a way I'll never forget.

Political violence doesn't change people's mind, it forces them to commit to a side. It forces people to either say "those people are indeed bad enough to deserve the violence" or "these people commit violence and are bad and should be destroyed" with no in-between allowed anymore.