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Items tagged with: TrumpShot

"There was an obvious security failure, and you don’t need my background to know that.
How did it happen, why did it happen, and how do you prevent it from happening again?"

A conversation with a scholar of counter-terrorism:
#News #BreakingNews #TrumpShot #USPolitics

Should we revisit the Golden Rule on #socialmedia?
Rumors, conspiracy theories and heated opinion flying around on social media after events like Trump getting shot do not help anyone.
A cybersecurity expert writes on how to break the cycle: “Emphasizing facts in the news cycle, integrity in the public square, and critical thinking in our schools seem like good places to start.”
#News #BreakingNews #TrumpShot #USPolitics @verdantsquare here is my fear. That we find out after the fact. Years later. “A” party paid this kid to “miss” making it look like an attempt on the his own life. To get the rest of the USA to vote #Trump

#trumpshooting #trumpshot #TrumpLies #trumpsproject2025 #TrumpIsHitler

The clenched fist – raised by Donald #Trump as he was rushed off a stage after an assassination attempt – is a gesture used by a fascinating range of people, from fascists to communists to Black Power advocates and athletes like Tiger Woods
#News #BreakingNews #TrumpShot

Assassination is often an attempt to bypass the long process of politically defeating one’s opponents.

A researcher who studies political violence and extremism says the attack on Trump comes after a long period where “people are delegitimizing their political rivals. They transform a political disagreement into a war in which there is no space for working together” #breakingnews #trumpshot #News

The history of political assassinations in the U.S.:
#News #breakingnews #trumpshot

#KingDonald #TrumpShot

I'm seeing a lot of people saying that this will get Trump elected.

I'm not sure that is the case. I think Trump will be the next president even if he loses, but I don't think this guarantees a win.

Anyone who was comfortable with voting for him was already going to vote for him. I can't imagine this will change too many votes.

Consider the assassination of Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin.
