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#photography 📷 #knipsehiernur #bloomscolling with #magentafilter

Meanwhile, friends: You don't have to be alone, buddy. Come over here. We're having a big #duskwalk party. 🥳

in reply to Ambivalena :verigold:

@ambivalena Thank you. ☺️ the magenta filter does a good job. It could have been a bit more glamorous if I'd had the nd filter with me additionally. But I like the result just the same. 💚
in reply to Markus

Perhaps, I guess it depends of what you are looking for. 😊
in reply to Ambivalena :verigold:

@ambivalena Hehe. If you ask me like that. If I could, I would put the lens in front of my heart. If that's how it comes across, I already have everything I could be looking for.
in reply to Markus

I think that is the best thought in mind to make photography with.

To express what's inside ❤️