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Something very interesting I accidentally came across while investigating what neurotransmitters are involved in an orgasm (turns out to be basically all of them, but oxytocin and vasopressin are specific to sex, love and friendship):

#mentalhealth #autism #anxiety #bpd #schizophrenia

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in reply to Thorwegian ❄️

It's interesting how hard-wired the brains of humans and other social mammals are when it comes to seeking closeness to others. It's more of an instinct than something that's up to individual preference. Being fully and utterly independent of other people is basically abnormal.
in reply to Thorwegian ❄️

One huge thing about many developmental brain disorders is that many of them can be nipped in the bud if intervention happens early. The earlier, the better. And much of it is simply about spending quality time with the kid and ensuring that they have a safe and supportive environment in school. That last one is a challenge, because kids can be toxic as hell, and it's usually when the adults aren't looking.
in reply to Thorwegian ❄️

I'm neurodiverse and when I was pre-school age, my parents were concerned for me. There weren't many kids to play with in my neighbourhood, so I often played alone. They even put a classified ad in the newspaper to find playmates for me, but it didn't work. I've later learned that if kids don't get to play together at that crucial age, it will impair social learning later in life. Foundational brain circuitry for socialisation is formed at that time, and you can't fully fix it later.