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I have just submitted a change proposal to @fedora to change the default desktop environment for #Fedora Workstation to @kde #plasma

I want to emphasize, this is NOT an April Fool's joke. It may come as a surprise, given I am the lead of @buddiesofbudgie, but I am just as interested in seeing adoption of Fedora and the greater Linux desktop increase. I firmly believe that Plasma as a default over GNOME Shell would be a net positive for the Linux ecosystem.

in reply to Joshua Strobl :verified:

I hope this is not happening! Many people are running Fedora because it ships perfectly working vanilla GNOME.
in reply to Joshua Strobl :verified:

I'm still side-eyeing today's date, but I'm 100% behind this proposal. GNOME is a great desktop environment, but I firmly believe KDE is better for more people, and embraces and respects user choice better than GNOME does.

Still, that date though...

in reply to Thom Holwerda

The date is intentional. It makes people do a double-take, and I like people questioning what is real and what isn't.

This, however, is in fact real.

in reply to Joshua Strobl :verified:

I don't like KDE at all, never have. It's way too busy, clumsy, terrible-looking right click menu on the desktop (some lines long, some short). I like cleanliness in the UI and Gnome provides that. Gnome's defaults suck, granted, it requires extensions to make it usable. But at least it's good looking and it doesn't trigger my UI OCD.

In fact, I was thinking of moving to Fedora from debian/mint exactly because bleeding edge Gnome was the default.

in reply to Eugenia L

@eugenialoli @thomholwerda That’s why I left Arch and I’m very happy with GNOME on Fedora. And I don’t need many extensions – just blur my shell.