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Of interest, the title article on CEO's which explains why those hoity toity think tank economists are full of shit 💩 when defending CEO pay.

>Pluralistic: America's best-paid CEOs have the worst-paid employees (09 Sep 2024) by @pluralistic

#BadEconomy #business #FollowTheMoney #corruption #exploitation

in reply to A. Rivera corporations-that-blew-half-a-trillion-dollars-to- inflate-ceo-pay/

and a reminder that except for some recent and very remarkable moral, linguistic, and legal gymnastics: stock buybacks are illegal, and for very good reasons.

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in reply to David Mitchell :CApride:

@DavidM_yeg it's particularly funny (not in a ha-ha way) that #Lowes is the business in question, here, given the bandwagonning some were putting towards Lowe's away from #HomeDepot, given HD's owner being pro-tRump. As if Lowe's had a conscience and were some nice business.

Spoiler: they are not. There are none. Large corporations are soul-less, scruple-less, and will always fuck people over, to boost bottomline, because that is how they are set up. The world will burn because CEOs need bonuses.

Learn this, peeps. Don't give in to artificial culture wars. ALL large corporations are evil, no billionaires are good.