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Welcome to the Trump economy:

Swedish travel companies report up to a 50 percent drop in sales of trips to the US.…

And in Denmark, Benns Rejser is seeing a 40-50 percent drop on US destinations:…

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in reply to Randahl Fink

I've traveled to the USA quite often and I even lived there for a while, but there's not a chance in hell I set foot there under the current circumstances -- no more than I'm likely to go to North Korea. I mean that quite literally.
in reply to GJ Groothedde 🇪🇺

@Eetschrijver same here!

An anecdote: my husband flew from Paris to NYC on Tuesday and his United flight was almost entirely empty. He had the entire row (of 10 seats) to himself! I spotted only two other passengers sitting in economy behind him on the pics he shared. It's wild.

in reply to Elena Rossini ⁂

@_elena @Eetschrijver
It's not just tourism. Business travel by US gov and its contractors (including research universities) is way down too, as is international attendance at conferences in the US.
in reply to Randahl Fink

Who could have guessed that having #Trump as president might actually reduce carbon emissions 😂

(sarcasm - if only!)