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I have heard a rumor that I can’t substantiate that the page from the hardcover version of the bad book wherein Mr Vance explained the details of his and many other men’s physical relationship with an especially curvaceous couch which was posted on this most blessed of federated websites may have been a fake. If so, I apologize for finding it entirely believable that sex weirdo Vance did something embarrassing in college. If it is true though I think it is very funny. #uspolitics #couch
in reply to Lyle Solla-Yates

The couch humping story is not real (although the surgical gloves were the real losers in that story).

However, I have it on good authority* that the Vance's employ three people whose primary responsibility is ensuring all throw cushions in their home are well fluffed at all times.

* Many people** have said this.

** I said this and my dogs agreed.