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Gov. #Walz picked as #VP for #Harris !
He's great on education, this is my favorite photo of him surrounded by kids from March 2023 when he signed a bill into law to provide breakfasts & lunches at no charge to students at participating schools. Minnesota is the 4th state to do so.

For @GottaLaff & @nicolesandler I made it a point to credit Ben Hovland, MPR News for this great photo from this story. #Uspol
#HarrisWalz #Walz #VP

in reply to Spocko

Contrast kid loving Gov. #TimWalz: with Gov. Sanders Signing the Arkansas LEARNS Act. Notable Content prohibitions: NO CRT!!
"The education secretary can review Dept of Ed rules, policies, materials & communications & amend or annul those that promote “indoctrination” or Critical Race Theory.
Then in March 2023 Gov. Sanders loosened #ChildLabor laws in a bill that eliminated a requirement that the state verify the age of children under 16 before companies can hire them.
in reply to Spocko

Contrasts in Governing
Left, Gov. Tim Walz signs universal school meals bill into Minnesota law
Right. Gov. Sarah Sanders Signs Arkansas LEARNS Act, banning CRT.

Later that week, Gov. Sanders loosened #ChildLabor laws in a bill that eliminated a requirement that the state verify the age of children under 16 before companies can hire them.

Winning with #Walz #Harris2024