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So a #UK judge has sentenced five peaceful #climate protestors to 4-5 years in #prison each for "intentionally causing a public nuisance", which is of course literally the entire idea of #protesting.

If they can do this to them, they will do this to you as well next time you protest to defend your rights or make your opinion heard in public.

Also, the protestors were spied on and betrayed by a Sun "journalist".
#democracy #climatecrisis #juststopoil

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Jan Penfrat

๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ Finally a country that knows how to deal with the Just Stop Oil terrorists who think they can do whatever they want

The rest of the Western European countries should take this as an example of how to stop the terrorizing Just Stop Oil criminals with their reckless and dangerous actions on highways

Protesting is good, but terrorizing people to force your will on others is unacceptable and must be punished very severely

#JustStopOilCriminals #M25 #UK
