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Items tagged with: climate

Cheap desalination without a power hookup, without even batteries, produces drinkable water.

A "shipping container" sized unit, again with no power, no batteries....

"On average, it desalinated around 5,000 liters of water per day—enough for a community of roughly 2,000 people."

"Cheap as tap water"

This is good news. Very good news.


#FarRight Extremists Embrace #Environmentalism to Justify Violent Anti-Immigrant Beliefs

Rather than reject #climate science like many on the right, some have followed the path laid out by environmentalist and white nationalist John Tanton, using concerns about population growth and scarce resources to rationalize their hateful agendas.

#News #Extremism #Science #WhiteNationalism #Environment

Eric Schmidt says we’re not going to meet our climate targets, so we must put all our energy into improving AI and hope it solves the problem for us.

He’s part of a growing chorus of tech billionaires openly admitting they’ll sacrifice the climate on the altar of their AI ambitions.

#tech #ai #genai #generativeai #climate #climatechange #ericschmidt

A warning to my fellow #climate reporters: Citing 3.3 mm/year as the average global sea level rise is increasingly misleading. The rate accelerated late last decade, and now stands at 4.5 mm/year.

"Survey of young people aged 16-25 from all US states shows concerns across political spectrum.

The overwhelming majority of young Americans worry about the #climate crisis, and more than half say their concerns about the environment will affect where they decide to live and whether to have children, new research finds."

"UKRI staff voice concerns over chair’s Shell role"

I wish this article were not paywalled. (I don't even have access through my institution.) I share the alarm of UKRI staff and #climate researchers.

The chair of largest research funding agency in the UK (#UKRI, @ukri_news) is also the chair of #Shell oil company, and has been since 2021.

Can anyone report on the UKRI funding of climate research since 2021?

How King #car fought back in the voting booth in #Belgium.


Belgian voters reject #climate - friendly #transport #policy

#news #vote #election #politics #city #society #traffic #politics #future #earth

The #Heat #Crisis Is a #Housing Crisis

"Humble told me that we talk about how sharply smoking increases lung cancer risks, up to 3,000 percent according to #government statistics. But, he added, “being #homeless increases your chance of dying from heat in Phoenix by 50,000 percent.”


#health #humanrights #politics #environment #earth #emissions #climate #economy #fail #justice #news

A vast underground network of fungi has been supporting life above ground for 450 million years, but the recent discovery by scientists, including researchers from the University of Sheffield, that fungi is storing OVER ONE THIRD OF THE CARBON created from fossil fuel emissions each year indicates that it could be crucial as nations seek to tackle climate change and reach net zero emissions

#Fungi #Climate #Carbon #Emissions

"Recent polling shows that 70% of US voters support making oil and gas companies pay their fair share for these fossil fuel-driven catastrophes. What are we waiting for?" #SueBigOil #BigOil #Helene #Milton #Climate JD Vance says it’s ‘deranged’ for women not to have children due to climate change #Climate

#SpaceX #Starlink #Security #Climate


...and Global Climate*

#The BC (or soot) particles from rockets are also of great concern, as these are 👉almost five hundred times more efficient at warming the atmosphere than all other sources of soot combined. These findings demonstrate an urgent need to develop environmental regulation to mitigate damage from this rapidly growing industry..."👈


#SpaceX #Starlink #Security #Climate

While grounding #Musk's #SpaceX is an excellent idea....

/s: ...yes, the impact on "nearby wildlife" really IS the reason to do so! /s 🤦

No, actually, there are serious
and very concerning national and global security reasons for doing so:

1. #Starlink and #SpaceX 1)

2. #StratosphericOzone and #ClimateChange 2)


*Impact of Rocket Launch and Space Debris Air Pollutant Emissions on Stratospheric Ozone...

"Researchers tracked 266 forest plants over several decades, finding that many plants found in Eastern Europe — such as tufted hair grass and seedlings of silver fir, hornbeam, and sycamore — are migrating west, where cars, power plants, and factories are producing huge sums of nitrogen dioxide."

Original paper here: #botany #climate #pollution

“#ClimateChange is this overflowing bathroom, and #DeSantis is coming in with towels. He’s putting on more and more towels without turning off the faucet.”

DeSantis supports "policies to boost fossil fuels, suppress carbon-free energy and ignore global heating." When asked about these policies, his office said: “You & your publication are despicable for running nonsense stories like this the day a major hurricane is making landfall in #Florida.”

#Climate #Milton

Rare downpours are refilling Saharan lakebeds that have been dry for generations and causing deadly flash floods that inundated crops. #climate #Africa #Sahara

“Scientists have said that we can cool the planet back down. Now they’re not so sure.
It might be possible to “overshoot” and then return to our climate targets. But some changes will be irreversible.”

(Gift article)


RTE defends advertising revenue from 'fossil fuel' companies

The national broadcaster also said that its viewers are “ambivalent” about the climate crisis and take the view that “it’s somebody else’s problem”

this view was formed on foot of research with the audience and focus groups carried out in the last month on the issue of climate change

#Ireland #ClimateChange #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #environment #climate

#FossilFuel Interests Are Working to Kill #Solar in One #Ohio County. The Hometown #Newspaper Is Helping.

A retired #gas industry executive, a shadowy “grassroots” group and a controversial #media company are spreading #misinformation while turning residents against a proposed solar farm — and each other.

#News #Journalism #CleanEnergy #Agriculture #Oil #Koch #Climate #Energy #Politics #Government

Remember that this is a choice — a choice that has been made for us. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Get ready for another week of BUSINESS AS USUAL, sponsored this time by Shell Oil, Amazon, and McDonald’s.

🎶 "Keep driving, keep flying, keep shopping, keep buying!
We've got this, everything's fine." 🎶 😃

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

Discover many of downballot candidates in Hurricane Helene’s path who are climate hawks and Green New Dealers running against MAGA climate deniers.

This is how we rebuild and build a sustainable future!
#helene #climate #uspol #gapol #flpol #ncpol
cc @GottaLaff

"response on #SocialMedia Thursday from President Joe #Biden ... “You can’t only help those in need if they voted for you.”...

Democratic California Gov. #GavinNewsom... calling the episode “a glimpse into the future if we elect” #Trump...

Harvey and Olivia Troye, a former Trump #WhiteHouse homeland #security adviser who backed up Harvey’s claim, say Trump politicizing a #disaster that has killed more than 170 people in six states"

#GOP #Politics #Hurricane #Helene #USA #News #Climate

"Mark Harvey, who was Trump’s senior director... on the National #Security Council... [stated] that #Trump initially refused to approve disaster aid for #California after deadly #wildfires in 2018 because of the state’s #Democratic leanings.

But Harvey said Trump changed his mind after Harvey pulled #voting results to show him that heavily damaged Orange County, California, had more Trump supporters than the entire state of #Iowa."

#GOP #Politics #USA #News #Climate

#EnergyTransition: The $20B US green bank program just funded its first project

"A #Bide-#Harris IRA program meant to expand #climate investment in underserved markets has its 1st target — a $31 million #solar effort in #Arkansas... At 66 MW across 16 sites, the project will be the largest commercial solar deployment in Arkansas and the 4th largest university #RenewableEnergy deployment in the US"

#Renewables #CleanEnergy #SolarEnergy #USpol #Harris2024 #ClimateChange