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Is NextCloud the only way to have a folder that's accessible over the web for Windows? 🤔

Been wanting to do this without paying extra for a NAS. I have like 10 TB of storage on my windows PC and it'd be quite useful if I can utilize it for backing up my iPhone and Android pics/videos.

#SelfHosting #SelfHosted #NextCloud #FileStorage #PChelp

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

I use syncthing to get my stuff off my android phone, then a local script on the receiving computer to backup everything.
Thay way once I am synced , I can delete off my phone, deletes get synced but my data is backed up complete.
in reply to eddyizm :python:

@eddyizm Ah! That seems pretty neat!

However, I'm looking for something that's more "manual" if that makes sense.

I don't want everything to be backed up. Only what I choose and preferably could just interact with the hosted file folder directly from other devices. Similar to FTP, I guess, but not FTP.😬

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

ah yeah that is a little more challenging to find a simple solution.
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

maybe a simple WebDAV server? Never tried to run one on Windows but a quick search brings up some projects
in reply to Kiraso

@kiraso This is what I'm looking for, really. However, with windows networking, could it be accessible outside of localhost? Unfortunately I don't have access to the router so that I can forward ports...😬 Is there another way it could be done without needing to do that?🤔

I *could* technically host it in a datacenter and use backblaze b2 for the storage via rclone, but that defeats the purpose of using my 10TB of local storage.🤷‍♂️

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

you mean outside of local network? If it's just for your mobile devices I'd setup #tailscale for a private VPN without touching the router.
in reply to Kiraso

@kiraso Thanks! I'll be looking into all of this. Much appreciated!