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Items tagged with: SelfHosted

Manyfold v0.65.0 has been released! This release is all about #Accessibility, after our audit last week. There's a big pile of improvements around screen reading, keyboard navigation, colour, labelling, and so on, which will benefit everyone! More to come, too!

It's been great to be able to get some expert advice and then put time into this, thanks to NLNet and @NGIZero. It's a rare opportunity in open source!

#3DPrinting @3dprinting #SelfHosted

This is a pretty big deal for self hosted photo storage. Lychee now supports S3.

Release Version 5.3.0 - Support for S3 & Copyright per album · LycheeOrg/Lychee

#OoenSource #SelfHosted

I got Glance up and running.

Now I just need to spend some time customizing it.

#selfhosted #opensource

This looks pretty awesome.

GitHub - glanceapp/glance

#OpenSource #SelfHosted

Excited to launch a new project today that I'm calling, a curated list of companion applications for self-hosted software:

The linked post explains the rationale for adding apps to this list, which is a bit smaller than

As usual, feel free to send me a DM or reach out via the site's contact address if you'd like to discuss the project or any of the software listed.

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #opensource #homelab #software

My #SelfHosted Mastodon instance has processed 129,277,027 #SideKiq jobs since November 20, 2022. 1.77 million failed.

How many upgrades have we done since Nov 2022?

I am just thankful I haven't bricked my Mastodon instance, esp when we have to upgrade prerequisites.

Curious, where does your instance stand in SideKiq Jobs and how long.

GitHub - YuukanOO/seelf: Lightweight self-hosted deployment platform written in Go

#SelfHosted #OpenSource

Resharing the results from last year's #selfhosted user survey for those who may have missed it.

I'm planning to revisit the survey annually - what questions would everyone like to see in this year's survey that didn't make it last year?

#selfhost #selfhosting #homelab #homeserver #survey

andrii-kryvoviaz/slink: Self-hosted image sharing service.

#OpenSource #SelfHosted

This Week in Self-Hosted (12 April 2024)

The latest news, updates, launches, events, a spotlight on #ReceiptWrangler - a self-hosted platform for managing receipts, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #opensource #homelab #homeserver #newsletter

My favorite #nginx config block:

Bot Trolling

if ($http_user_agent ~ (xxxx|yyy|zzz) ) {
return 301;

#sysadmin #selfhosted #selfhosting

This Week in Self-Hosted (5 April 2024)

The latest news, updates, launches, events, a spotlight on #Librum - a minimal web app for reading and managing e-books, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #opensource #homelab #homeserver #newsletter #books #ebook

Self Hosted Software List (Searchable):
#linux #update #foss #catalog #selfhosted


Introducing, a Directory of Self-Hosted Software

#SelfHosted #SelfHosting