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Portishead - PNYC - roseland nyc live

One of those “wish I had been there” concerts that you can actually see on video.

Four albums (including this live album) in 30 years, all essential listening.

This is the recent re-release that includes the tracks missing from the original, along with a poster (the cover) and a “VIP Pass” (a sticker).

#nowplaying #vinyl #portishead #livemusic

in reply to Dave Nanian

they are incredible live. Wasn't at that concert (saw them in Scotland just before 3 came out, thinking I'd missed my chance as they'd been quiet for so long), but the Hush that descended when Roads started was one of those spine tingling moments that stays with you.
in reply to Craig Nicol

@craignicol Well, I can only hope there’ll be a 4 and a tour. But I’m definitely not holding my breath!