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Service overview and uptime page with Kuma Uptime

With a bunch of free web services a status or uptime page is also a must. Luckily there are beautiful self-hosted solutions like Cachet and Kuma Uptime.

#WebDev #KumaUptime #service

in reply to stux⚡

Kuma is awesome. Been running it for the last years without problem.
in reply to stux⚡

uptime-kuma is great! Found Gatus recently too which is quite nice also, a lot more config defined
in reply to stux⚡

Jup. Have been very happy with kuma.

It's part of my self-host software dev stack:

- Forgejo (git repo)
- Woodpecker (container based build pipeline)
- Uptime kuma
- Glitchtip (sentry compatible error tracking)
- Plausible (analytics)

Using traefik and portainer, all running happily on a €5 a month hetzner host. Why anyone would pay €5 per month per person per service (or worse pay with customer data) for commercial services is beyond me.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to stux⚡

Pikapods can host that for you relatively cheaply as well, Now whilst I’m all for self hosting having something like Kuma hosted elsewhere does actually make sense, as it’s not going to be able to tell you your server is down if it’s running on that server ;-)