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This image, from the RNC only a month ago, should strike fear and disgust into every American who cares about what America has always stood for. And the planned implementation, allowing local police to select people for deportation, makes it even worse (if that's possible).
Civil rights? Gone, never to return. And don't be too sure you won't get caught up in it.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Ray Gulick, he/him/🥥

I don't doubt there are local police drawing up their lists even now. There won't be hearings or due process; you'll just be shit out of luck.
in reply to Ray Gulick, he/him/🥥

Also important: have you heard a single Republican running for the House or Senate disavow Project 2025? If any have, I've missed it.

Beating Trump is not enough: we need to vote out Republicans up and down the ticket, including at the local level, before America is safe.

