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Don’t forget the power of questions in the role of breaking down a person’s manipulated worldview.

Core to that is trust. You believe what you do because of the sources you trust. Why do you trust those sources?

They believe what they do because they trust their sources. Why?

This conversation alone would do more to find common ground with a MAGA than arguing about the Constitution or rule of law. Get them to think about trust rather than to act automatically. Get them to tell you what gets them to trust someone. Then induce more critical thinking and self-awareness by asking follow-up questions about that trust.

#USPol #cult

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

And I hate that it’s taken me all this time to finally get my head around solid techniques for breaking through the mind control of someone who hasn’t already been somewhat disillusioned.

#USPol #cult

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

This is one of the first questions people started asking me after I published Recovering Agency: How do I get my loved one out of this or that cult?

It's been on my own mind since I left Mormonism and conservatism. I've probably argued with cult members more than many of you put together.

Arguing doesn't work. It never ever ever will work. Anything that gets a person's defenses up, the moment they raise their voice or act hurt, you've taken the wrong fork, and your job is to shift the conversation immediately to something that gets them to relax again.

Questions. Questions about core values and how they relate to the topic. What is their underlying driver? What are *their* priorities? Why do they trust their pastor or news outlet over you or your news outlet? Give them the floor.

This builds trust in YOU. This gets them to trust you increasingly more.

#AbuseCulture #Cult #Deconditioning.