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Psychologically speaking, this period of US politics is a tug of war of what they call psychological reactance, which is that when a perceived freedom is being taken away, people tend to get extremely upset and will go to extremes to protect the freedom, as opposed to little reaction if they never had that freedom, it feels normal.

As the arc of history bent towards justice, increasingly in recent decades, the right perceived their freedoms (to discriminate, to rule, to be rewarded more highly for mediocrity, to be deferred to, etc), which led to them taking political power as their base became fired up.

And with that power, they increasingly took from us OUR hard won freedoms, many of them only recently won. (Freedom of expression, racial equities, sexual freedom, women’s rights, ending Roe, etc.)

Time will tell, but it sure seems like they took enough freedom from us to trigger *our* reactance, and that it’s going to be greater than theirs.

#USPol #psychology #AbuseCulture