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in reply to Jamie

Si ce n'est pas un fake, ça démontre bien qu'être russophone ne veut pas dire être ruSSe.
Il ne faut pas confondre la langue et la nationalité.
Les Irlandais ne sont pas Anglais.
in reply to Enjomineur D3

@Enjomineur D3 Translated by #DeepL:

If it's not a fake, it just goes to show that being Russian-speaking doesn't mean being Russian-speaking. Language should not be confused with nationality. The Irish are not English.

Yes, true. We have many nationalities here in #Germany and many speak German but not all are Germans.

in reply to Jamie

Maybe not but being Russian does not mean that you wish to live in Russia either. I did not meet anyone when I was in Ukraine that did not speak Russian although I do believe that in the South East they speak Hungarian. Historically, the Russian people evolved from the Kievan Rus so you find extreme difficulty finding someone in Ukraine without a Russian relative even if you are not faced with an ethnically Russian Ukrainian.
in reply to Jamie

@Jamie Anyhow they speak there, the #Ukraine is divided now and therefor can be controlled easily.
in reply to Jamie

Sorry, I mean that in the South West they speak Hungarian.
in reply to Jamie

Ça serait plus vraisemblablement le Nord-Ouest. La Russie s'est approprié le terme de "Russ", mais en réalité le Rus est l'origine commune de trois peuples, Ukrainiens, russes et biélorusses. Comme la langue latine s'est transformée en Italien, Français, Espagnol, Roumain..
On fabrique des mythes ou on romance l'histoire pour justifier des ideologie nationalistes. En réalité, seul compte la volonté des hommes de former ensemble un peuple, une nation.
in reply to Jamie

It was actually the Vikings that coined the term "Kievan Rus" that led to "Rus" -> Russian -> Belarus (White Rus) etc. Ukraine is a mix of nationalities that our western propagands wish to paint as one people even though they were in total civil war when Russia became involved to support the ethnic Russians. The North West was part of Poland in the past and the South West was part of Hungary. Everything East of the Dniepr was part of Russia and Crimea has its own interesting history but most importantly the people that live there are predominately Russian. The most important part though is that the people of Ukraine have generally voted for pro Russian governments until the US funded coup in 2014. The county has many that feel differently as we all do. Do you think that all French people support Macron? What Russia did was wrong but we knew what we were doing and we were as bad.
in reply to Jamie

in reply to Jamie

Par contre, la fin de Poutine le gland est proche.
Ce qui est inquiétant et qu'après sa disparition, les russes vont continuer à ramper devant d'autres mafieux. La russie est sur la voie de la disparition. Je lui donne moins de 50 ans. Cela est dit maintenant, pour toujours cela est dit...
in reply to Jamie

in reply to Jamie

@Jamie I don't understand why you say Putin is evil!! He has stopped child trafficking between the Ukraine and the USA and he also eliminated the bio-weapon laboratories created by the USA in the Ukraine, where they were creating the health problems and vaccines to "cure" and kill people. So why is Putin evil? He is working with Donald Trump to eliminate the satanic deep state who want to reduce population and who also want to control the very few that will survive the deep state's plan for the New World Order, which Putin, along with Trump are trying to eliminate because it's really satanic. I think you need to read the uncensored information posted on Telegram
in reply to Jamie

I say that Putin is evil because he is a dictator that kills for his own advantage. I do read Telegram and I also listen to his speaches where he constantly lies to make himself sound good. Under Russian law he was only entitled to be President twice, he changed that law so he could become a dictator. Russia deserves better. We could also talk about how Hitler was opposed to fox hunting, created the people's car and everyone had a right to a dacha etc. but that would not change the fact that he was evil.
in reply to Jamie

Where do you live and how do you know that Putin is a dictator? @Jamie
in reply to Jamie

@Eileen Brophy Where I live is irrelevant. If you buy yourself a dictionary you can look up the word. He does not follow the rules of democracy in order to dictate his will on the people. He changed the laws that made it illegal to hold office more than two times in order to benefit himself. He kills opposition like Navalny. What more do you want? Or rather - what more would a rational person want.