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My Fiancée and I have started the adoption process for our #Cat and are bringing her home in 2 weeks. Any one with recommendations for harnesses as we want to harness train her for #hiking and walks around our town. Bonus for my #dinosaurs fans, my partner agreed to let me name her Sinosauropteryx due to her colors. She is gonna go by Trixie for short.

#catsofmastodon #tabby #torties #TrixietheTorbie

in reply to Chris

Well, you need a harness that has a lot of cloth in it - one that covers most of her chest and ribs and fits securely round her head. Not one like the one of the spotted Bengal on the first picture, but one that is more like the red vest on the second picture.
in reply to Cecilia | MeraOrd 🏕

@meraord that is good to know! The one we are currently looking at so far seems to be more of a middle ground so I’ll adjust my searches. We have not got one yet cause we want to be able to size it properly so she is the comfortable but secure.
in reply to Chris

If I were you, Id try to find someone from the same country as you, who posts about walking their cat a lot - so its possible for you to find the same brand of harness. Cats can wiggle their way out of a LOT of harnesses, so finding a good one is key.