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in reply to Aida Akl

@James_Batchelor they needed them but also a few years back a bunch exclusives people would buy into the system for
in reply to Patrick

It was a shot in the arm. But is it sustainable?
in reply to Aida Akl

Depends. They have a lot of money from cloud and windows…So they aren’t really at risk of going under to just keep sending systems out there. (Ie they aren’t really at risk of going Sega: go multi platform or die). That said, I’m afraid by putting their titles on other platforms they will be relegated more to a publisher….that happens to own a bunch of big publisher/studios
in reply to Patrick

They're not going under, but putting their titles on other platforms kinda negates any reason for a separate Xbox console to exist, or so it seems. It might not be the worst thing to be relegated to a publisher category, but then, what's the point of creating more Xbox titles?
in reply to Aida Akl

More like they should rebrand to everything is Xbox Gaming Studios (or something) as a publisher and they have a subscription service like Ea, Ubisoft, etc) Game Pass. The way they are going hardware wise, the only thing people might go hmm is handheld. But that already has competition and likely be about like windows phone or Zune.