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Items tagged with: microsoft

#Microsoft: #Linux Is the Top #OperatingSystem on #Azure Today
Once, Azure was a cloud platform dedicated to #Windows. These days, the company tests over 1,000 Linux distributions a month just to ensure their customer apps run smoothly on Azure.

Einstweiliger Rechtsschutz gegen #Tracking-Cookies erfolgreich. #Microsoft verliert in zweiter Instanz. § 25 TTDSG/TDDDG zeigt Zähne. Glückwunsch an meine coolen Kolleg:innen bei Spirit Legal. Dieses Urteil ist ein Meilenstein.
#TeamDatenschutz #PrivacyLitigation

Unbelievable. What you don't know can hurt you. #cybersecurity #infosec #Google #Apple #Microsoft #Spytech

"The data shows that Spytech’s spyware — Realtime-Spy and SpyAgent, among others — has been used to compromise more than 10,000 devices since the earliest-dated leaked records from 2013, including Android devices, Chromebooks, Macs, and Windows PCs worldwide."

Data breach exposes US spyware maker behind #Windows, Mac, #Android and Chromebook #malware @TechCrunch @zackwhittaker

Hey #SysAdmin #InfoSec fedi, let's have some fun. 🥳

Microsoft claims that the CrowdStrike thing is EU's fault, acktschually, because years ago EU forced Microsoft to stop abusing their privileged Windows access to have an edge over competitors in antivirus market. 🤨

Seems only fair to have a thread on our favorite examples of Microsoft's utter failures, ideally related to completely botched updates.

Know of such a failure? Share it below! :blobcateyes:

#Microsoft #Windows #CrowdStrike #EU

I mean, okay, but is this the one that people want to play?

Microsoft is bringing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III to Xbox Game Pass

#Microsoft #Xbox #GamePass #CallOfDuty #Activision #Gaming

For those who don't know, #Github is now part of #Microsoft which is, in simple terms, a predatory behemoth. There are loads of #OpenSource projects hosted on this site. M$ has #AI
I don't think they give a rats arse what the #gpl on a project is, if their #AI can access the code, it can acquire it. (Imagine a program like #MCP in #Tron or #TheBorg )

If you are a programmer/hacker or whatever then you might want to think about moving to another site:

LLMs are energy intensive to train which goes against our goal of being a #green & climate friendly company. Both #Google & #Microsoft threw out their environmental goals this year because of this. (

got a call from my dad asking why he had a new “VPN” icon on his System Tray in Windows. I dunno, so I go to look at my PC and sure enough, I have one in my Action Center too.

I right click and go to settings and the options are Add A VPN and lists an available one on my network.


Was this explained? Is this an ad for Microsoft’s new #WindowsVPN feature? When you change critical pieces of my UI with surprises you are undermining your security.

I agree with everything Scott Hanselman writes in this post.

#crowdstrike #microsoft #dei #softwaredevelopment

Probably the most succinct description of the #CrowdStrike / #Microsoft fiasco.

After 15+ years of hustling to publish #academic journal articles and books, a significant proportion of my work is now being sold off to #Microsoft to train #LLMs. I never consented to this, and of course when I started my career, I never predicted this.

That whoosh you're hearing is me rushing to sign on to whatever class action lawsuit is in the offing.

Nach dem welweiten IT-Ausfall, von dem kritische Infrastrukturen betroffen sind, äussert die #BSI Chefin, dass man fortan stärker auf die #Qualität von Produkten achten will.
Ach, doch schon ???
Diese eigentlich selbstverständliche Erkenntnis kommt ein bisschen spät. Von einem Einsatz von #Microsoft und #Crowdstrike, insbesondere im Bereich kritischer Infrastrukturen, hätte ich jedem Kunden bereits vor vielen, vielen Jahren abgeraten. #itausfall #peinlich #kritis #itsicherheit #cybersecurity


Channel 4 News, in talking about today's #Microsoft #CrowdStrike fuckup, stated that the expected Y2K effect was imaginary.

No! No! NO!

We* did a massive amount of work to update and ensure systems would keep on working. And more importantly WE TESTED EVERYTHING FULLY BEFORE GOING LIVE.

(* As in everyone responsable for operating computer systems around the world!)

Microsoft recommends restoring Windows from backups. Easier said than done.

For Virtual Machines running Windows Client and Windows Server, VM restarts (as many as 15 may be required) seem to be effective??
#Outage #Microsoft #CrowdStrike

The offending software is called the "CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor software."

R U ready for some AI-powered upgrades?

"CrowdStrike Falcon® Complete Next-Gen MDR utilizes AI-native technology and world-class expertise to stop breaches across the entire enterprise attack surface."

#Outage #Microsoft #CrowdStrike

George Kurtz, President & CEO CrowdStrike, tweeted about 2 hours ago that -
"The issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed."

Wonder what "deployed" means. How does one deploy the fix (delete certain driver files) to remote devices that cannot boot normally? 🤔

So, are planes flying again?

#Outage #Microsoft #CrowdStrike

Microsoft/CrowdStrike issue workaround from CrowdStrike -

- Boot Windows into Safe Mode or the Windows Recovery Environment
- Navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike directory
- Locate the file(s) matching “C-00000291*.sys”, and delete it.
- Boot the host normally.
#Outage #Microsoft

Global Windows outage causing major disruption around the world.

Linked to a software update from cybersecurity giant ​​CrowdStrike.

Banks, airports, TV stations, hotels, and many other businesses are affected.

US airlines United, Delta, and American Airlines issued a “global ground stop” on all flights.
#Outage #Microsoft

I'm very thankful to #Microsoft and #Crowdstrike for this timely demonstration to make it clear, that the budget cuts to the #NGI by the @EUCommission endanger Europe's #digitalsovereignty

Weltweite technische #Störung bei #Microsoft mit massiven Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen, Behörden und Infrastruktureinrichtungen.
Mit #Linux statt #Windows und weiterer freier Software wäre das nicht passiert!

Welcome today as we witness the largest IT outage of all time.

#windows #microsoft #crowdstrike #cybersecurity

edit: source of the picture is

some may ask why they didn't use ai 😂

"Whiteboards being used at
as all the screens are blue. Passenger Martin McElroy took this, and told us that it's like “the dark ages, but to be fair they’re making it work, which you have to give them credit for.”

#outage #crowdstrike #microsoft

Huch, das kommt jetzt überraschend! Wer hätte gedacht, dass sich Multimilliarden-Konzerne gar nicht wirklich für Vielfalt, Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion eingesetzt haben, sondern dass es nur ein Marketing-Gag war, wie z.B. bei den Klimaschutzmaßnahmen?

Monopole zerschlagen! Milliardäre enteignen!

#KlimaGerechtigkeit #LGBTQ #Microsoft #pinkwashing #greenwashing

Update: Cybersecurity giant CrowdStrike update causes major outage affecting businesses around the world

So, how’s all that centralisation working out for y’all?

#CrowdStrike #microsoft #BigTech #centralisation #TooBigWillFail

Microsoft is suspending email and skype accounts of Palestinians who call home to Gaza. Multiple Palestinians mention buying Skype credits in order to make international calls home. But when they used those credits to call family in Gaza their entire decades old Skype and hotmail accounts were suspended.

#FreePalestine #Skype #microsoft #msft #USPol

Microsoft killed my online life after I called Gaza

Palestinians calling home to Gaza on Skype have had their digital lives destroyed, after Microsoft closed their email accounts without warning.

Microsoft says they violated its terms of service - but will not say how - and the decision is final.

#microsoft #skype #noazureforapartheid

I can confirm #Microsoft didn't remove this for #Edge
"value": {
"archName": "x86_64",
"features": [
"modelName": "12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12800H",
"numOfProcessors": 20,
"processors": [ <cut>],
[] }
(tested with Edge 126.0.2592.87 on

The @EUCommission wastes our tax payer money to team up with #Microsoft the #gatekeeper and notorious #antitrust villain and sue the EU data protection agency @EDPS because the Commission wants to continue to use the #M365 software #security shitshow.

How low can this institution sink?

#privacy #gdpr #dataprotection #edps

🇬🇧 Von der Leyen‘s EU Commission sues the European Data Protection Supervisor to keep using Microsoft Office and Cloud Suite which violate EU privacy rules.

Did anyone hope this Commission would crack down on Microsoft for the violations?

Die #EU-#Kommission droht #Microsoft nun mit einem Verstoß gegen europäische #Kartellvorschriften – damit wird endlich das anerkannt, worüber ich schon seit geraumer Zeit schreibe! Doch es geht schon munter weiter: Nun integriert MS #Copilot in alle möglichen Microsoft-Systeme. Und das ist genau derselbe Weg, den wir vor einigen Jahren mit Teams gesehen haben: Über die Produktbündelung werden Tatsachen für die europäische #Technologiesouveränität geschaffen.,3698868

Dear #microsoft
When I report an obvious phishing email, why would you only accept my report if I consent to your sending an unsubscribe message to the criminals who sent it? Think much?

Oh, this is good: Microsoft waives its copyright on anything it publishes on the web.

#microsoft #copyright #AI #BigTech #bullshit

Und "plötzlich" wird das Copyright für private Personen doch sehr spannend…

»Microsofts KI-Chef – Webinhalte sind für jeden frei kopierbar, auch für KI:
Microsofts KI-Chef hat mal eben sämtliche Webinhalte für frei verfügbar erklärt. Er berief sich im Interview mit einem US-Journalisten darauf, dass es seit den 1990er-Jahren ja üblich sei, dass alle Inhalte von jeder­mann frei verwendet werden können, wenn man nicht widerspricht.«


#microsoft #usa #internet #web #ki