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Book Quote Wednesday's word is 'race'

Dan Mackmain's a long way from home, and he's in trouble. Will his local allies come running? Will he be able to call them?

Contemporary fantasy inspired by British myth and folklore. Widely available from online stores

#writing #books #SFF #SF #Fantasy

in reply to Juliet E McKenna

And it is absolutely fantastic, and is a perfect read now when we start leaving the summer behind and again facing the possibility of ice water falling from heaven again.
BTW will there be an new autumn read this year?
in reply to Hteph

@GoblinQuester I am working on it right now. Before the end of the year is as much as I'm prepared to commit to - the last six months have been one disruptive thing after another hereabouts!
in reply to Juliet E McKenna

Urgh, that's awful! I wish you a more harmonious and less disruptive autumn! And I will patiently await the arrival of the goodness whenever it will come! Much better with a good book and a happy writer, that a rushed thing and a grumpy author!
Could Reality please note that I want it to ease off on my favourite authors otherwise there will be consequences!!