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Whatever staffer came up with “We’re Not Going Back” as a slogan should never pay for a drink again. #uspol #kamalaharris
in reply to Catherynne M. Valente

- Ditto for whoever got the campaign to just *say* "He's a weird creep".
in reply to Levi Kornelsen

@LeviKornelsen I was saying something similar earlier. Don’t try rhetoric on him, he just punches through it with bullshit. Instead just make him look sad and confused and troubled. Nothing deflates a strongman quicker than pity.
in reply to Levi Kornelsen

@LeviKornelsen I love the offense! As I was saying to another friend on Masto yesterday, I was tired of the "when they go low, we go high" even before Michelle Obama articulated it. No man! When they go low, you hit 'em over the head!