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in reply to Jonathan Glick

tell him to "be a man" pay his child support, then we can talk.
in reply to Jonathan Glick

I thought it was just wealthy white dudes that lost their minds at a certain age...I will admit I was wrong.
in reply to Jonathan Glick

He used to be one of my favorites. I'd cheer when I heard him interviewed. Now he occupies a special corridor in my mind with other heroes who squandered their legacy:

Ralph Nader
Chris Hedges
Naomi Wolf
John Edwards

Off the top of my head

in reply to Jonathan Glick

How did I forget Tulsi Gabbard?

On second thought, she doesn't belong on that list, because I never really respected her that much. But she is definitely adjacent to that list, along with Jill Stein.

in reply to Jonathan Glick


There is already a “COVID-19 Truth Commission" — it's called “science”.