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#OTD 60 years ago, LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with MLK there to celebrate.

The political achievement was also a reminder that money talks:

Economic boycotts in cities like Birmingham and Nashville played a crucial role. During 5 weeks of boycotts, Birmingham businesses had lost millions in sales. Business owners soon mobilized, dragging along politicians, school administrators, law enforcement.

#BlackMastodon @blackmastodon #Histodons @histodons

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in reply to The Conversation U.S.

#JoeBiden can achieve a legacy even greater than #LBJ by also withdrawing from his re-election bid and then leading a *unified* #DemocraticParty to VICTORY in #November.

Recall that our *first* criminal #POTUS (#Nixon ) defeated #EugeneMcCarthy in the #1968election after #LyndonJohnson divided the #Democrats in order to pass the #CivilRightsActs *and* expand the quagmire in #Vietnam. #Histodons #USpol

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

and so I keep asking, where are the liberal-led calls for boycotts? Crickets. All those companies funding Trump are patronized by libs. The NYT survives on liberal subscriptions. Wake up folks!