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Labor disputes today inevitably lead to someone getting called a scab – an insult used to smear people who cross picket lines, break up strikes, or refuse to join a union.

The UAW president called Trump a “scab” this month after the ex-president suggested to Elon Musk that striking workers ought to be illegally fired.

Labor’s ‘scabs’ were among the first Americans identified as sellouts for betraying their own.
#Histodons @histodons #LaborDay #Unions

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

#Trump is NOT “the President.” Fix or be reported for spreading political misinformation.
in reply to Preston MacDougall

@ChemicalEyeGuy We have clarified the post, but I think it was clear who we were talking about and not engaging in election denialism. We would appreciate a more civil tone on this platform.