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In the heater compartment of the 🚑 we have 2 holes from the old heater install.

At the moment they're just covered with duct tape to keep water from getting in, but I finally got around to modeling a custom hole plug for them.

It'll print in this orientation in flexible filament, then get flipped over, shoved into the hole, and glued in place.

If anyone's got suggestions for glue that'll stick well to rough brushed aluminum I'd love to hear them.


in reply to masukomi

I would guess one of those two components epoxy glues would do the thing, however a check that it sticks to the filament may be of order as plastics sometimes is a bit tricky.
Oh and clean the aluminum with alcohol before gluing.
in reply to Hteph

🤔 hmm. don't think i have any epoxy, but that's easy enough to remedy.

thanks for the tip about the alcohol.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)