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Last month a visit from Israeli football club Maccabi in Amsterdam resulted in violence erupting throughout the city. To gain a better understanding of the events, we worked with Dutch newspaper @Trouw to analyse videos that circulated online.…
in reply to Bellingcat

it’s not ok to start your article in the middle of the story! quote: “De kiem voor de geweldsuitbarsting ligt een dag eerder”… & “Maccabi-aanhangers hebben meerdere taxichauffeurs uitgescholden, bespuugd of tegen hun auto getrapt.”
in reply to Bellingcat

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Bellingcat

Insanely biased, focussed on some rare acts of vengeance for the Mossad directed violence by these racist Maccabi thugs. Well documented and filmed by locals.
Shameless revisionism.