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Items tagged with: Amsterdam

By happy accident we had unplanned #vegan dinner at #RamenImpossible in #Amsterdam. When we entered, the staff guessed (correctly) that we were looking for Tonkotsu Ramen and didn‘t know that they are vegan, so they told us.
But while we’re not vegan, we’re always up for good, different and interesting food, and vegan restaurants often are that bit more … passionate(?) so we stayed.
And we were not let down - It was excellent.

Wir fahren heute mit der #Bahn nach #Amsterdam.
Das bedeutet natürlich, dass wir in Wirklichkeit mit dem #Auto fahren.

Aber irgendwie hatten wir im Vorfeld wohl Bock auf den Stress, kurz vor Abfahrt zu erfahren, dass die Bahn mal wieder Chaos hat, um dann mit unzureichenden Informationen zu versuchen, Alternativen zu planen und uns dann doch für das Auto zu entscheiden, damit wir ankommen.
Danach kommt noch der Spaß mit der Erstattung der Tickets.
#ZumKotzen #Flugtaxi​spinnerei

Hello Mastodon! We are a collective of #students and staff from #Amsterdam University College who care about #OpenStandards, #FreeSoftware, and #OpenData.

Every week, we get together to explore, study and organize our way out of the corporate lock-ins that we face at our #university and beyond.

Next to our website, this account will be our main channel to communicate with the world.

We hope that we can connect with others that share our ambitions to push for a free and open digital world.

#Amsterdam Closed This Bridge to #Cars (but not #bikes ofc)

"Cities are not loud, cars are."

#NotJustBikes #NotJustCars