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The city of Columbus Ohio got hacked by a ransomware gang, they didn't pay the ransom so the gang released half of the stolen data which included secret police and prosecutor files. The leak exposed countless victims, witness and confidential informants personal info and communications with the city.

The city claimed NO info was leaked. A cyber security enthusiast went to the media and proved otherwise.

#cybersecurity #Columbus #Ohio #Darkweb

Lisa Melton reshared this.

in reply to nullagent

As is all too common the city of Columbus took the citizen researcher to court and successfully won a restraining order against him and his clearly 1A protected speech.

The dumbass city mayor and prosecutors stupidly claim this leak is controlled and prosecuting the messenger is key.

But how did NOT informing the public and trying to coverup the leak and suing this guy for talking to the media protect anyone?

#stupid #cybersecurity #Ohio #Columbus #Darkweb #ConnorGoodwolf

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to nullagent

This whole process shows how stupid and corrupt the average American judicial process is.

In simple terms this would be like the fire department initially refusing to come out to a fire. They try to ignore it first. That didn't work so they do a big show of driving around the burning block with their trucks.

A terrified and concerned neighbor stands in front of the fire station shouting that they didn't put ANY water on the fire and ppl are still at risk!

So the city has THAT guy gaged 🫠