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trump is escalating the frequency of his lies and the outrageousness of his claims. Be aware of the data. It may not make much of a dent in your Uncle Jimmy's perceptions at Thanksgiving, but a younger voter may still have an open mind. #USPolitics
in reply to MoiraEve

this goes back to the old issue that outfits like nyt and so many Trump critics overlooked that potential Trump voters took the guy seriously but not literally.

For example, when Trump says things are more expensive and everyday people are struggling, the potential supporters don’t really care what the exact number is. They just care that things are more expensive and people are struggling.

So it can be actually counterproductive to promote reports like this. Potential Trump voters might actually see the report as more reason to vote for the guy as this presentation can come across as quibbling to excuse the problems they see.

It’s one of those know your enemies sorts of moments. To counter Trump we have to understand the environment that makes him even an option.