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I'm not sure what happened to kbin[dot]social. It's been down now for what feels like a month.

Has anyone heard whether it's down permanently or what the status is of the main kbin instance? What happens now to the various kbin communities ("magazines") that are now stuck there?

#kbin #threadiverse #lemmy #fediverse

in reply to Eoin O'Neill

AFAIK Kbin and its official instance are no longer being maintained 😢 but the code has been forked into Mbin which IS being maintained and is run by different people:

This entry was edited (17 hours ago)
in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@FediThing that's a bummer. I wish that the ownership of kbin social could have been transferred so that post history wasn't just straight up lost.
in reply to Eoin O'Neill

the dev/admin has been inactive for 8 months. Unfortunately, it seems like the project is dead...😬