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“Instead of finding common ground, industry executives lashed out at White House officials... ‘They basically just got yelled at.’ ”

Feels like they’re laying the groundwork for “regretfully they gave us no choice but to back Trump”.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #USpol #USpolitics

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in reply to Molly White

As White has chronicled in great depth over on @web3isgreat, the "cryptocurrency industry" is a scam industry, it has no reason to exist except to con people.

How can there ever be a stable relationship with organisations based around pump-and-dump?

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

I think it illustrates an endemic problem with capitalism in today's society, especially venture capitalists who have already systematized this process of pumping and dumping. We have to change it somehow by continuing to promote sustainable and responsible businesses. It can be done through careful regulations that works and is evidence based. Getting them to formalize and pass in the US will be difficult but maybe we can show that they work in the EU first.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Molly White

Has anyone found a good use case for crypto yet that doesn't amount to speculation, fraud, bypassing anti-money-laundering regulations, or financing outright criminal activity? It has been a hammer looking for a nail for 15+ years, and all the nails that they have found seem to fall into one of those buckets.
in reply to charvaka

Even if someone finds a potentially legitimate use case, it then rapidly morphs into a cover story for a scam. It's just too easy and too tempting for VC investors to scam people once cryptocurrency is involved.