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OK Mastodon #OpenSource folks, this is your time to shine

I need some examples of common open source myths. This will have a security slant to it when I put it all together, but I'm not only looking for security examples, I want all types

Here are a few I've cooked up, but I know there are ton more

- Most projects have more than one maintainer

- Most projects are part of a large foundation like Eclipse or Linux Foundation

- There are many options for libraries and you can swap them out if needed

- Open source is more secure than closed source

- Open source is less secure than closed source

- Most projects have funding driving the development

- If I use open source in my product, I have to open source the whole product

- If the source code is available, it’s open source

- There are a few thousand open source projects

I want them all, no matter how small, silly, or obvious you think they are, let me know