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Items tagged with: opensource

Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source by @sjvn

Switzerland is one of the world's leading #opensource countries; now, if only the United States could follow its lead!

📣 Missed it live? No worries! Watch @robe's keynote talk ✨ at #PosetteConf 2024 about "The Open Geospatial Community, PostGIS, & Postgres" & learn more about #PostgreSQL extension PostGIS & the open source geospatial community 🌎
#postgres #databases #OpenSource #community

For those who don't know, #Github is now part of #Microsoft which is, in simple terms, a predatory behemoth. There are loads of #OpenSource projects hosted on this site. M$ has #AI
I don't think they give a rats arse what the #gpl on a project is, if their #AI can access the code, it can acquire it. (Imagine a program like #MCP in #Tron or #TheBorg )

If you are a programmer/hacker or whatever then you might want to think about moving to another site:

🔔 UPDATE Juli 2024 🔔

Alle 8.949 begründeten Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (BVerfG) seit 1998 jetzt als Datensatz verfügbar!

✅ #OpenAccess
✅ #PublicDomain
✅ Formate: PDF, TXT, CSV, HTML, GraphML

Alle Download-Optionen:

#RStats Source Code:

@rstats @law @politicalscience

#BVerfG #Rechtsstaaat #Grundgesetz #Law #LawFedi #DigitalHumanities #OpenScience #OpenData #OpenSource #OpenAccess

OK Mastodon #OpenSource folks, this is your time to shine

I need some examples of common open source myths. This will have a security slant to it when I put it all together, but I'm not only looking for security examples, I want all types

Here are a few I've cooked up, but I know there are ton more

- Most projects have more than one maintainer

- Most projects are part of a large foundation like Eclipse or Linux Foundation

- There are many options for libraries and you can swap them out if needed

- Open source is more secure than closed source

- Open source is less secure than closed source

- Most projects have funding driving the development

- If I use open source in my product, I have to open source the whole product

- If the source code is available, it’s open source

- There are a few thousand open source projects

I want them all, no matter how small, silly, or obvious you think they are, let me know

Are there some good #OpenSource alternatives to #GooglePhotos? I'm thinking something #SelfHosted

I'd like facial and object recognition (local) if possible.

I could do some digging myself but honestly, I feel awful this evening and managing to remember the task is about what I have the energy for right now.

Switzerland Now Requires All Government Software To Be Open Source - Switzerland has enacted the "Federal Law on the Use of Electronic Means for the Fu... - #opensource

In our vision, hacking is not an act of chaos, but an act of creation. It's about using our skills to expose truth, to stand up against oppression, and to disrupt the norms that perpetuate inequality. Hacking, in this context, becomes a voice — a voice that can be heard by millions of people.

As hackers, we understand that the rules governing our digital world are not immutable. They are human-made, and as such, they can be challenged, redefined, and rebuilt.

Our impact reaches beyond digital frontiers; we're hackers breaking through into the societal realm.

Each hack is a step towards dismantling oppressive structures, fostering a more equitable world.

Our mission is to reboot the system.

#Hackers #Security #Privacy #Infosec #Cybersecurity #Cyberpunk #BSD #OpenSource #Hacking #SecBSD #Hacktivism

The company #Meta recently released #Llama 3.1, an #AI model they claim is "open source".

This is false. Llama 3.1 is NOT open source.

They released it under a license which under 1.b.iv. demands you agree to an "acceptable use policy" which basically forbids using it in any way they don't like.

This is a violation of rule 6 in the Open Source Definition: No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor.

#OpenSource #debunk #bullshit

Although I haven't used this poor abandoned blog much, it is not because I dislike the software that I am using to self-host it. It actually helped me to learn about the and communities, as well as practice work with the protocol (which is the engine of the #Fediverse).

Sadly, as I got excited about, I realized that the creator had abandoned the project for more than a year. Issues, requests, and pull requests have piled up. The excitement of users faded away as I found forks close doors. But it is #opensource, right?


Hence, I decided to contact some other users and start a collective effort to keep this cool project alive. Here is where it will live:

Let us hope I will be able to put together a good crew. 🤞

🌟 Just started exploring Mastodon and loving the decentralized social experience! 🐘✨ It's refreshing to see such a vibrant community thriving on open-source principles. Anyone else new here or have tips for a newbie? Let's connect! #Mastodon #SocialMedia #OpenSource

EDIT: Going to try

Any recommendations for #OpenSource project management software that is simply an application on my computer? I don’t need nor want something in “the cloud”. I just need something small for myself.

Found Lokjo maps and their mastodon account: @Lokjo

They position themselves as «a world map made in Europe». And for me personally, it sounds weird and even sad. Why? Because, in my opinion, humanity shoud be getting together and work on great stuff. Not deviding by the territory of origin.

So I'm sad that all these money, working hours and ideas are spent just to reinvent the weel instead of supporting all the great open source stuff which is already here. Speaking about maps, it could be @openstreetmap

#humanity #tech #future #maps #opensource #openstreetmap

#Switzerland mandates #OpenSource software for all public software!

This makes perfect sense. Public software should be transparent. #India could have taken a lead on this, but our digital public infrastructure is mostly closed-source - with predictable consequences. 🙄

We now have 6 servers dedicated to transcoding/transcribing our Peertube videos - thanks to @Alexio who is providing 4 of them! Peertube is now a complete replacement for Youtube and I will make sure to push it a lot more in terms of use and promotion! We need to get people to use it, else without content, it won't go anywhere....

Feel free to use our instance!

#peertube #youtube #video #opensource #foss

Huge thanks to @mattj and @ralphm for their time today. I'm delighted to be getting acquainted with leadership at @xmpp – there are _so_ many things we can learn from each other and collaborate on.

It's free, open, federated communications versus the forces of centralization and proprietary walled gardens!

#XMPP #Matrix #FOSS #OpenSource #Interoperability

Why doesn't (the open source version) have a Mastodon account? Because they have considerably active Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn accounts...

#SocialMedia #SocialWeb #WordPress #OpenSource

Damned, I saw this cool open source project, and now all I can think of is getting a robot vacuum cleaner....

#valetudo #OpenSource #HomeAutomation

My most successful (top 5) projects on GitHub:

1. air-light: A WordPress starter theme for devs, designed to be ultra-lightweight (< 20 kB)

2. mastodon-bird-ui: Mastodon web UI, but strongly inspired by Twitter.

3. weed: Heavily Xchat inspired beautiful irssi theme.

4. dudestack: A toolkit for creating a new professional WordPress project with deployments. Originally based on Roots/bedrock.

5. macos-lemp-setup: A native LEMP for macOS.

I maintain 685 repositories in 8 GitHub organisations.

You can sponsor me here:

#OpenSource #Coding #WebDev #WordPress

It was fun while it lasted and we have a good laugh. 😏

But truth be said, even Linux wouldn't have helped in preventing the CrowdStrike catastrophe, and it has actually happened with it in the past (from the same company!).

Drive into details: 🔽

#Linux #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

Moin ☕

Sehr viel Infrastruktur ist offline.

Weil man auf die falschen Leute hört, pervers überteuerte Lizenzen als "alternativlos" ansieht und mental nicht bereit ist für eine bessere freie Lage eine kleine Umgewöhnung zu akzeptieren.

Übrigens. Wenn Meta heute Nacht irgendeine 💩 gegen euch beschliesst, die ihr nicht ignorieren könnt, seid ihr von allen Kontakten getrennt.

Nutzt freie Software, Messenger, Betriebssysteme und Protokolle, zumindest zusätzlich!

Werdet frei!

Does anyone know if there is a way to only show apps in F-Droid that are signed by the upstream developer and filter out all apps that are signed by F-Droid?

With Flathub you can do something like this, e. g. you can choose to only show "verified" apps:

#Android #fossdroid #fdroid #opensource

Ryan's GUADEC keynote about Thunderbird's story of death and rebirth - and how its lessons can help your OSS project - starts in just under an hour at 21:45 UTC! Plenty of time to get a snack, find a comfy seat, and watch in person or online:

#Thunderbird #GUADEC #OpenSource

We think our project's journey from nearly dead to thriving is an awesome story with lessons for any OSS project. Watch @ryanleesipes tell that story in today's #GUADEC keynote at 21:45 UTC/ 15:45 Mountain. @gnome is streaming their talks (thank you!), and you can catch his talk here:

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Community

You know how some people complain about the stability of Linux for desktops and how, you know, it may not be reliable, especially Arch. What about Manjaro + Arch. How about a system based on Arch but with Manjaro's repos + the Chaotic AUR repo?

Well stable as a mountain! Using TROMjaro for many years now and despite doing a lot of updates, all works perfectly fine. Long gone are the days of being afraid to do the updates. This is my experience.

I 100% rely on my laptop for a lot of daily use uses. I need it to work! And it does!

So happy about that.

#opensource #foss #tromjaro #arch #manjaro #chaoticaur #tromjaro

Die EU unterstützt Open Source finanziell. Auch viele Fediverse-Projekte wie Mastodon oder PeerTube wurden vom Next Generation Internet-Programm gefördert. Damit könnte bald Schluss sein: Laut dem Entwurf eines Arbeitsprogramms soll es 2025 kein Geld mehr für das Projekt geben. Die Reaktionen sind entgeistert. Mein Artikel für @netzpolitik_feed

@nlnet @Framasoft @fsfe

#nextgenerationinternet #ngi #eu #politics #opensource

Understand the difference between open as in open for business and free as in freedom and you will be less surprised by the decisions taken by open source projects.

#openSource #freeSoftware #FOSS #openForBusiness

Ok #GetFediHired, I finally got one for ya!

Dagger ( is building a "#DevOps operating system" using containers and we're looking for someone to help build the core platform. Product is #OpenSource!

Needed Skills: #Go, #Docker, AWS, Moby/Buildkit

Bonus Points: #Containerd #OCI

Location: Remote! North or South America

Note: While it's a DevOps tool, this is not a DevOps role.

Shoot an email to if you're interested!

#Hiring #JobOpportunity

#foss #opensource #EuropeanUnion OW2, das gemeinnützige internationale Konsortium, das sich der Entwicklung von Open-Source-Middleware widmet, hat heute einen offenen Brief an die Europäische Kommission veröffentlicht. Sie fordern die #EU auf, die Finanzierung freier Software fortzusetzen, nachdem sie festgestellt haben, dass Programme für das „Internet der nächsten Generation“ (NGI) nicht mehr in Cluster 4 der Finanzierungspläne für Horizont Europa 2025 erwähnt werden.

I signed an open letter to the @EUCommission requesting continued funding of open source software innovation and maintenance via the @EC_NGI program.

Free and open source software development is not free. Supporting it is vital to the EU economy and innovation competitiveness.

@nlnet and @NGIZero funded the development of many social web apps years before they were needed and likely much underlying software in the devices you depend on every day.

#FOSS #OpenSource

Thunderbird 128 'Nebula' is out and our blog post has all the details! With Rust under the hood, a clearer Cards View, and a sharper (and more colorful) look, the future is looking fast, organized, and bright. See what's new, what's coming soon, and details on how to try it for yourself!

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Development

New Open Source law in Switzerland

#OpenSource #GovTech #CivicTech #PublicSector

Great convo between @zachleat of @eleventy & @jerod on @jsparty about the decision between:

1️⃣ Making content to feed the algorithms, vs
2️⃣ Making genuine connections with people

(You probably already know our stance…)


#opensource #community #podcast #video

#Linux Kernel 6.10 Is Now Available for Download, Here's What’s New

#OpenSource #LinuxKernel

For the past several months no one could install flatpaks from our Trade-Free TROMjaro app Library - - and now we finally fixed it thanks to @Rokosun ! One click installs :)

We have curated around 700 trade-free apps for the library and we plan to add a lot more the following months. Check it out!

#tromjaro #linux #trade-free #opensource #foss #flatpak

How does Fedora test our images? Not without automation that's for sure! Here's a look at our openQA deployment which we use for automated testing, including a recent upgrade to the cloud.


If you want to learn more about the Fedora Quality Team, @adamw is a great person to follow!

#Fedora #openQA #Linux #OpenSource

Update time! #LibreOffice 24.2.5 is now available – the fifth minor update to our current major release. It includes over 70 bug fixes and compatibility improvements: #foss #opensource #news